If you’re anything like I was, you keep this tape running in the back of your mind that says, “I know what I need to do, I just need to come up with the willpower to stick with it…”
But…if you’re honest with yourself, haven’t you also realized by now that willpower is totally unreliable when it comes to sticking to a healthy eating plan?
Studies on willpower show that it’s a finite resource and gets depleted really quickly every day.
Which means that willpowered dieting only works in a vacuum.
The vacuum being a perfect world where there is nothing else remotely touching your limited supply.
No stress, no meetings, and no other decisions that need to be made.
Which is why no amount of well-intention, positive thinking, or “this time it’s going to be different” mantra stands a chance when you’ve had a stressful day at work, your kids need to be 12 places at once, your spouse is running late, and you end up going out to eat.
Enter the cycle of shame and guilt as you wonder, “Why in the heck am I so weak?”
Which is followed by, “I’ll start again Monday, so might as well go crazy until then” all-or-nothing thinking.
Enter an extra ten pounds and the vicious blood sugar induced brain hunger cycle I described yesterday.
So is it hopeless to ever take the weight off?
Absolutely not.
We just have to understand what’s happening in our brain and not rely on unreliable willpower.
Or else we’re setting ourselves up to fail and ain’t nobody got time for another trip down “beat yourself up for failing” lane.
Trying to willpower yourself thin is like trying to build a house with thumbtacks instead of nails. It’s not the right tool for the job!
So what works if it’s not willpower?
To begin with, when you work with me, we recognize willpower’s weakness and take decision making on the fly off of the table.
Next, if you’ve read my musings, you probably already know the answer.
We need to stabilize your hunger hormones with a properly designed low-carbohydrate diet then physically rewire the craving brain to set you up for a lifetime of living healthy and thin.
If you did manage to somehow get the weight off with willpower, you’d never be able to let up and live life.
Nobody wants to have to be hypervigilant about every morsel that goes into their mouth forever. Talk about not sustainable.
On-the-other-hand, if you leverage the clear thinking of my eating plan and rewire your brain with my Keto Mind Method, you’ll restore your natural and easy relationship with food and never have to rely on willpower again!
Isn’t that what we’re all looking for?
An effortless way to drop the weight off in which keeping it off becomes a simple and natural daily habit like brushing your teeth?
Let’s make this happen.
Join me in my Facebook group to find out how!
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