If someone’s health greatly improves with a particular diet (including the insanely healthy one I designed) it’s not because that diet is perfect for everyone, it’s because that diet is working with, instead of against their genes.
What appears to balance their system can actually tip into imbalance over time – that’s exactly what happened to me. This is why you can feel amazing on a new plan for a few weeks but ultimately cravings take back over and derail you. That’s often your body’s wisdom trying to get your attention.
Luckily there is a base eating plan that supports all our genes and detox systems and the key is in what you aren’t eating as much as what you are. The biggest tip I can give you is that if it comes in a package, don’t eat it.
From there it’s just tweaking to remove foods you’ve become sensitive to and include those that support your genes.
You have to be empowered to approach it in this way instead of treating it as just another weight loss diet though.
We are all unique and have our own set of genetic variants. There are about 10 of them that are becoming more and more well researched because they are the big guns when it comes to causing really serious health problems in our modern lifestyle if they aren’t taken care of properly.
You might have insomnia, estrogen dominance, and anxiety too but remember those are just symptoms and what matters is changing the way you eat in accordance with your unique genetic makeup (more specifically your particular combination of the big 10) because that is what is causing those symptoms.
Treating the symptoms, even at the hormonal and neurotransmitter level, (although super important and sanity-saving) is still just a bandaid if you don’t understand why you have these imbalances to begin with.
Tweaking your lifestyle to support your own unique genetic makeup is where the magic happens!
I share all about this and more in my free Facebook group. I invite you to join the conversation there!
>>> https://www.facebook.com/groups/wildwomanwellness
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