If I ask you what you want your life to look like 5 years from now, if you’re like most of my clients, you’re likely to say, “Well, I don’t want X, and I don’t want Y, and I really don’t want Z…”
Which isn’t exactly what I asked.
But it’s perfectly normal.
Most people struggle to define what it is that they do want in life.
They spin in this nebulous, unsure, hazy place, never really defining what it is that they want to accomplish in life.
They’re totally clear on their “do not want list,” but that’s like living the law of attraction in reverse.
You’re simply going to create more of what you don’t want by focusing on it.
Here’s how to turn this around.
We can begin with our “do not want list” and leverage the clarity we have around what we don’t want in order to figure out what we do want.
Try it and see.
Get out a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle. On the left, write My Do Not Want List.
Make a list of everything you don’t want to experience, have, or do in life.
Now turn each negative into a positive. Use what you don’t want (and why you don’t want it) to get really clear on what you do want.
If your Do Want List feels uncomfortable, that’s perfectly normal, too.
At least you know what you do want and it’s not as hard to make that list a reality as you might think.
Helping people become comfortable with living a life of their design and turn their dreams into reality is what I specialize in!
Our health and the way we relate to our body and food have an immense effect on the outcome of our entire life.
Not sure that’s true? Make another list. List all of the things you would do if you were happy with and had a loving relationship with your body…
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