I talked in my last post about our inner Critic and how she keeps us playing small in order to protect us from external Criticism.
Both of these show up as disempowering voices within each of us.
It’s crucial to be able to identify the voices of our Critic and Rebel in order to be able to separate them from the voice of our authentic, wise, grounded, capable, rational self.
When we fuse with the Rebel and the Critic and allow them to dominate our thoughts, it feels like we’re off-kilter (at the very least) or spinning, completely unbalanced, and out of control (at their extreme).
In order to get a handle on those behaviors, we have to recognize when these disempowering voices start calling the shots.
When it comes to weight, no amount of rational “vowing to stop eating” or “starting a new diet plan” is going to override the wiring driving our conflicting behavior.
Unconscious programming always wins.
That’s the way we’re designed.
That’s why every “new plan” ends just like every other “new plan” that came before. Wherever we go, there we are, as long as our Rebel and Critic are driving the bus.
Our Critic’s role is to keep us playing small, to keep us safely living just under our growth edge. She works in an underhanded, subconscious, passive-aggressive way.
She’s both a nagging, hopeless, “why bother” feeling and a tape running through our mind reminding us of all the “reasons” why we can’t do something.
She’s the reason Prozac exists. Depression, fear, and anxiety are her fortes. Imposter Syndrome is her specialty.
She keeps us spinning and “getting ready to get ready to get ready”. She reminds you that no matter what, we’re not quite good enough yet to leap.
The Empowered Craving Freedom Method I use with my clients targets the unconscious programming of our Critic at its source freeing my women from their incessant cravings and frustrating behavior around food!
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